What is hemp seed oil?

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Hemp Seed Oil

What is hemp seed oil?

Hemp seed oil (aka hemp oil, hempseed oil or cannabis sativa seed oil) is derived from the seeds of the hemp plant – aka, Cannabis sativa L. It is the non-psychoactive variant of the cannabis plant.
Hemp is a highly versatile plant that has been used for thousands of years to make a wide number of goods – from clothing and paper to biofuel and bioplastics.

One of the most widely used by-products of hemp is hemp seed oil. It is made from cold pressing the seeds of the hemp plant, and extracting the oil they produce.
When cold pressed, unrefined hemp seed oil can range in colour from dark to light green. Hemp seed oil has a distinctly nutty flavour, and darker oils will have stronger grassy notes.

This oil has an excellent nutritional profile and a wide range of health benefits. Hemp seed oil is rich in omega fatty acids, like omega-3 and omega-6. These essential fatty acids are particularly beneficial for the skin and hair.

Hemp seed oil is also very low in saturated fat, and contains 76% polyunsaturated fat which is beneficial for heart health. 

How do I ingest CBD from hemp oil

Tinctures are an easy and effective method for precise dosing. Using a pipette, drops are placed under the
tongue where the body quickly absorbs the oil. This is one of the most common and popular ways to ingest
CBD, it works by interacting directly or indirectly with C1 and C2 receptors located throughout the body. 

A tincture has been shown to

  • Take effect: 10-15 minutes
  • Lasts: up to 4-5 hours

How much should I take

CBD is not classified as a medicine but rather a health supplement, diagnosis from health officials is impossible to come by however, as general guidelines. Starting small and slow is always the best advice and starting with one drop twice a day will give you a really good base to work from until you find the dosage right for you. It’s important to point out that this cannabinoid is non-intoxicating, meaning it does not contain levels of THC which is usually associated with that euphoric ‘high’ feeling that would be typically associated with the hemp plant.

It Legal To Take?

CBD oil is legal to purchase and consume Ireland. The rule is that the oil must be derived from the hemp plant and contain less than 0.2% THC. We cold press all our CBD in a traditional method here in Ireland.

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